Last updated on November 9th, 2024 at 05:42 pm
One day… A thinking boy had a dream Of hundreds of lands he never had seen Of a thousand destinations he never had been. Over the years his passion grew and yearned His knowledge expanded and new places he learned. But all he saw was pictures and books and all he wanted was to see earth’s hidden nooks. Every day he would study different maps Fantasizing about the days when he would walk those tracks Years passed and he still wrote notes onto his scroll Slowly it turned from a dream into a goal. He shared his goal with his lover who agreed And with together on adventure they did proceed. They learned about things you do not need They learned to follow your heart and how to succeed. One day... A thinking man had turned his dream into a plan By following his heart and by knowing he can A simple dream is how it all began Life is for living, make the most of your lifespan. Hundreds of lands I get to stay Thousands of destinations are coming my way Don't be trapped in your own mental dome Don't be afraid of the tracks of the unknown. Follow your heart and find your home Follow your dreams, there you will find your throne.
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The Beginning of the Start
Hey there, I’m Kevin. Welcome to our blog’s very first page!

Let me share how this incredible full-time travel journey of ours began, starting from the early days until where we are now – embarking on the greatest adventure of our lives (excluding marriage): Traveling the world non-stop!
I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I discovered my love for traveling the world, but I have a fair idea where it all started.
It led me on a path I didn’t realize I was on until many years later.
FIFA World Cup USA 1994
I LOVE football. In 1994 the FIFA football World Cup was held in the USA and Ireland qualified. It was during this football tournament that my eyes really opened up about the different portions of the world and its people.
I discovered there were a lot of countries playing in the tournament that I had never heard of before.
Every day I would be in my element watching all the football matches. At the same time I would also be observing the flags of these countries, the different types of names that players had that sounded so peculiar to me, the names of cities where these players were born, the way fans were dressed in the stadiums showing their roots, culture and identity and the different appearances of people from all four corners of the world had me amazed.
Sadly, political events in the 90s also had me learning of places that I had never heard of before – such as the first Gulf War, the breakup of Yugoslavia, the Rwandan genocide, and the US embassy bombings of Kenya and Tanzania. All places we have since visited or are on our to-see list!
Believing in your Dream
My curiosity had me asking so many questions about all these unknown places and I just had to know more about these new foreign lands.

As the years passed, I learned more and more, building up lots of knowledge from all these known and unknown places on earth by reading endless articles and books, and watching travel shows and animal documentaries.
Often I would drift into a daydream and wonder what a normal day would look like in places such as Bangkok, Rio de Janeiro, Cairo, Mumbai, and Beijing. Life would be so different and alien, and I wanted to see it for myself.
I learned about the famous must-sees and to-dos in countries but also about the “off-the-beaten-track hidden gems”. I was captivated.
A Vision – Full-Time Travel
When Kate and I got married in Spain in 2015 our lives would change unbeknownst to us. As we walked along the warm, cobbled streets of Marbella we imagined and talked about living in a place like this forever.

The dream was slowly and gradually morphing into a plan. (By the way, a proposal in Thailand, a ring bought in Lebanon, and a wedding in Spain….more international content surrounding us!)
The Last Ingredient
Then another interest and passion of mine was thrown into the mix – the Cosmos!
Earth is over 4 billion years old, if we were to live to the age of 100 that is 0.0000025 of a percentage on that time scale.
Combine that with the fact that we live on planet Earth which resides in the Milky Way Galaxy, a galaxy that contains up to 100 billion stars.
Add in another factor, that there are over 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, each galaxy containing 100 billion stars. That is lots and lots of zeros and space!
You must be wondering why the fxxk is he telling us all this stuff about time and space?? Summing up all that information, what I’m trying to say is……….
We are here for a very short time in a VERY big place! Kate and I believe that if the earth is all that we can see and explore then we want to see as much of it as possible.

There are hundreds and hundreds of cool and unusual places, landmarks, and destinations that for some reason people don’t seem to know about. Cities with millions of residents that are never even heard of.
This is Our Plan!
The pursuit and journey Kate and I have planned and set out to do is to explore and see as many of these locations with our own eyes. Places we never imagined ever visiting. Lots of planning and preparation has been done and now the time for us has come where the dream is a plan in action.
Yes, that is quite a lot of places!

All four corners are on our radar. From Cairo to Cape Town, Argentina right up to Mexico, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. And many more just to name a few of our plans!
Traveling the World Full Time – How Are We Doing it??

We imagine a lot of people might question how we are going to be able to sustain this lifestyle for such a long period. People assume we must be either stinking rich or else living like paupers on our travels. There are a couple of answers to this.

The first one is a very simple answer, we worked hard and saved (well sometimes we worked hard!) With that box ticked, we have planned a weekly budget and most important one of all, decided how we plan to spend that budget by traveling smart. I go into more detail about that here.
For starters, we are not on a holiday!! This is our life for the foreseeable future. We are not going for cocktails accompanied by a juicy steak dinner in fancy restaurants every night, but that doesn’t mean we will not be having fun and eating delicious food!
That’s what we want to show you, how to get the most out of your hard-earned money and make it stretch as much as possible.

Travel Smart
It is all about where, when, and what we are going to spend our earnings. There is going to be little chance of us going for drinks on a Saturday in a western bar in Southeast Asia paying western prices for the same beers that are a third of the price where the locals drink.
That is what we love the most when we are abroad, seeing and experiencing the real deal in all these interesting new places. Because it is making friends with the locals where you will truly experience new cultures, habits, history, traditions and customs. Exemptions will of course be made now and again for a creamy pint of Guinness or a cold bottle of cider!
The same rule of smart travel goes for accommodation. When we are not planning to be spending much time in the room, we will not be paying a fortune for our nightly stays.
Again, just to reiterate we are not paupers. That does not mean we will be staying in a dump of a place – we still do have standards! When we do stay in luxury, we will show you with a bit of time and research how it is possible to stay in such places without breaking the bank.

What to See
There is so much that we want to show to you. The famous landmarks, the unknown gems, the mega-cities you never heard of, the most beautiful landscapes, the curious scenery that may be viewed as less attractive, strange foods, bizarre animals, volcanos, waterfalls, beaches – It is an endless list. Who knows, maybe we can even teach you a thing or two!
We don’t expect everything to go to plan. In fact, we can guarantee that things will most certainly go wrong now and again. But we do expect lots of fun, thrill, and excitement as well.

Check out some of our experiences all around the world!
So please follow us along on our adventure and tell/share our story with your spouse, friends, neighbors, the taxi driver, the lone man in the pub, and everyone! We truly believe you will love it and laugh with us along the way.
Read more here about how and why we left Ireland and ended up where we did!
Slán go fóil

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