Namibia Weather – When is the Best Time to Visit Namibia?

Namibia stands out as one of the most extraordinary destinations we’ve ever experienced; its landscapes were akin to stepping onto an entirely different world!

This captivating country unquestionably secured its top spot as the “Best Landscapes” along our 9-month journey from Cairo to Cape Town.

Before focusing on Namibia weather, let’s briefly check out if Namibia is even worth visiting.

Is Namibia Worth Visiting?

Is short, our answer to the question “Is Namibia worth visiting?” is “Absolutely!!”

Kate from happy Irish Wanderers at Spitzkoppe Namibia
Is Namibia worth visiting? 100%

There are endless reasons to visit Namibia:

As just mentioned, it has the most breathtaking landscapes including the World’s Oldest Desert – the Namib Desert, and the rugged beauty of the Skeleton Coast.

For those adventure seekers, you can get your adrenaline fix by sandboarding on some of the highest sand dunes in the world.

Animal lovers can experience wildlife safaris to witness some fascinating desert-adapted species.

Finally, for the historians in us, the chance to explore ancient rock engravings and cultural heritage sites.

There is so much more to say about Namibia and reasons to visit, luckily we have listed them all for you in the post below.

Now that we have persuaded you to visit this incredible African country, let’s figure when is the best time to visit Namibia.

Namibia Weather: Seasons in Namibia

Namibia weather typically has dry/semi-dry conditions with hot temperatures, low rainfall, and considerable changes in temperatures between day and night throughout the year.

The best time to visit Namibia largely depends on your interests and the specific experiences you seek.

Best Time to Visit Namibia: Dry Season (May to October)

During this period, Namibia experiences its dry winter season with minimal rainfall. The weather is cooler, and wildlife congregates around waterholes in parks like Etosha, making it ideal for wildlife viewing.

The clear skies also offer excellent conditions for stargazing and photography.

We visited during September/October and luckily got to witness some of the incredible wildlife around the waterholes of Etosha National Park.

  • Giraffe drinking water at Etosha National Park in Namibia - Happy Irish Wanderers
  • Herd of Zebras drinking water at Etosha National Park in Namibia - Happy Irish Wanderers

Also, star gazing was “out-of-this-world”. We highly recommend camping in Namibia!

Best Time to Visit Namibia: Shoulder Seasons (April and November)

These months mark the transition between seasons. April sees the end of the rainy season, with landscapes still lush and green.

November begins the build-up to the rainy season, providing pleasant temperatures and fewer tourists.

Kate from happy Irish Wanderers watching sun set in Spitzkoppe Namibia
Best time to visit Namibia: make sure to camp

Namibia’s landscape is so vast you can still feel that you have the place to yourself.

Best Time to Visit Namibia: Green Season (November to April)

Despite being the wetter summer season, this time offers a unique experience as landscapes transform, becoming lush and vibrant.

However, road accessibility might be challenging in certain remote areas due to rain.

Considering these factors, the dry season from May to October is often recommended as the best time for visiting Namibia, especially for wildlife viewing and clear weather.

Now that you have decided when to go, check out the post below to find out everything else you need to know for your Namibian holiday.

What Packing Essentials Do You Need For Your Namibia Holiday?

This is the same list we recommend for the majority of African travels (and travel in general).

Namibia Weather The Best Time to Visit Happy Irish Wanderers
Best time to visit Namibia: we visited in September
  • Warm gear – It gets cold at night in the desert
  • Head torch – For your camping trip.
  • Multi Travel Adapter – so you are prepared for any plug type!
  • Dry bag – For the protection of everyday items from the sand, lots of sand!
  • Battery pack – For those long bus journeys as well as electricity outages.
  • Download apps such as Google Translate, Google Maps, and
  • Utilize budget apps such as TravelSpend to keep track of your spending.
  • A sense of adventure and a smile!
A smiling dog

You can find the full list of our essential travel tips here.

Enjoy Your Namibia Holiday!

Ultimately, the best time to visit Namibia depends on your interests.

For optimal wildlife viewing, clear skies, and comfortable temperatures across the country, during the dry season from May to October, are recommended.

The view when approaching Spitzkoppe in Namibia - Happy Irish Wanderers
Namibia Holiday: amazing Namibia road trip

Honestly, the sense of tranquility that comes from experiencing Namibia’s vast and unspoiled wilderness is like nothing else we have ever experienced.

Namibia is a truly special country and offers a unique experience of this planet of ours like nowhere else.

Whether for its natural wonders, unique activities, or cultural experiences, a Namibia Holiday offers an unforgettable adventure and we are confident that you will love it as much as us.

In fact, why not let us know? We would love you hear your thoughts!

If you have any questions then leave us a comment below, and don’t forget to check out our socials.

Slán go fóil

Happy Irish Wanderers
Full Time Travel Couple
Happy Irish Wanderers
Full Time Travel Couple

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